Monday 10 September 2012

Every little girl is viewed by their parents as a princess.  Cute little dresses, hats, bows, shoes, tights... the list goes on.  We as mothers all dreamed of the day when we could have our own little real life doll to dress up and nurture.  I love dressing my girls, all three of them and I still get a kick out of finding the latest outfits for my two year old.  But at what stage do they turn from little princesses into wanna be rock chicks?  Where did the cutsie pie go? Where is that need to look "pretty"?  It is quickly replaced and I mean quickly (at age 8!!) if you are lucky to last that long.  What is with the Veronicas and their constant desire to want to dress every little girl in ripped stockings, tights and tshirts held together with safety pins and cleavage, OMG, an 8 year old shouldn't have cleavage (damn hormones!)....
Why can't kids just be kids for as long as they possibly can?.  We are all guilty of it and we really don't appreciate the fact that we grow up fast enough as it is without forcing it upon ourselves.....


TO THIS.....

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